Friday 31 March 2017

Oh Deer

    There hasn't been a lot blooming in my garden in the last month, but I did manage to get a few photos of my King of Striped Crocus. It's a good thing I took them when I did, because a couple of days later a deer came along and ate every single one. He or she also ate all my tulips but I'm really hoping they will still bloom since the flowering stem hadn't started to grow yet. He was also sampling my succulents and who knows what else. Thankfully, we don't get deer too often but when they do arrive, they sure can wreak havoc on a garden.

    I started my first batch of seedlings a few weeks ago, and will be doing my second batch soon. My first batch contains peppers, tomatoes, dahlias, spinach, lettuce, agastache and two types of cosmos. My solitary spinach already died, and I have no idea why. Last year I had trouble with them too. I've never grown agastache before but so far they are doing well. I started the seeds indoors but quickly moved most of them to my little cold frame on my covered patio, so they could get the light they need. I am keeping the tomatoes, peppers and dahlias indoors near a south window. I also planted peas and sweet peas outside. The peas are up after two weeks, but no sign of the sweet peas yet. If you have any suggestions for deer resistant plants, I'd love to hear them.
King of Striped Crocus

King of Striped Crocus
Random mushroom and chives

The Culprit

Pink Dawn Viburmum